
セミナー開催のご案内(Prof. Martin Giurfa)/2016.11.21 神戸大学


講師:Prof. Martin Giurfa
(the University of Toulouse,the director and founder of the Research Centre on Animal Cognition)

Dissecting cognitive processing in an insect brain.

  Martin Giurfa is since 2003 the director and founder of the Research Centre on Animal Cognition, which depends on the University of Toulouse and the French research council CNRS. Since 2005, he is exceptional-class professor of the University of Toulouse. He is an elected member of the German National Academy of Sciences and of the Institut Universitaire de France, the French Professorial Academy of Sciences.
  Martin Giurfa is Argentinean and obtained his PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in 1990. In the same year he was awarded with a DAAD postdoctoral fellowship and later with an Alexander-von-Humboldt fellowship to pursue post-doctoral research at the Institute of Neurobiology of the Free University of Berlin directed by Randolf Menzel. He stayed there for several years and received his Habilitation degree from the Free University of Berlin in 1997. He was then appointed as assistant professor, and then as associated professor, at the Free University of Berlin and established his own group combining behavioral
and neurobiological approaches to understand associative learning in honeybees. In 2001 he moved to France where he was appointed as a full professor of the University of Toulouse and founded the Research Centre on Animal Cognition. In 2007 he was awarded with the Silver Medal of CNRS ‘for highest scientific merits’. He is a guest professor of several foreign universities.
  His research focuses on invertebrate learning and memory at different organization levels, from behavior to molecules. He uses ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ approaches and research tools from neuroethology, experimental psychology, and molecular biology in order to characterize and understand the complexity and the rules underlying associative learning in honey bees and to identify its neuronal and molecular substrate and mechanisms.

 Martin Giurfa博士は、無脊椎動物の学習、記憶の仕組みを分子から行動まで様々な生物学的階層レベルで研究している。ボトムアップ、ボトムダウン両アプローチを駆使し、個々の複雑系や連合学習メカニズムを特徴づけて理解するために、ニューロエソロジー、行動心理学、分子生物学と多岐にわたる手法を駆使した研究を展開している。今回の講演では、一般的な導入の講義をしたのちに、ミツバチの連合学習を中心に、関係する神経機構、および分子機構の同定について話をする。